Dr. Denis Zhilin
Since 1996 students of Moscow secondary school #3 and #192 conducted hydrochemical studies at Vjazevskaya highland (Pskov region, Russia). These studies had two aims: educational and scientific. Analysing content of freshwater reservoirs at the highland students learnt analytical techniques and discovered great differences between different reservoirs even that are close to each other. Great amount of data, collected at 14 expeditions allows illustrating the influence of temporal factors on the fres water composition.
Since 2004, when GPS receivers and Google Eart service became available, we began to combine our investigations with geomapping. That time simple pH and conductivity meters also became available that lead to drastic increasing of the amount of the collected data. When it was wet, a group of three students could collect data (pH, electrical conductivity and geographic coordinates) from 100 stations and more. It was necessary to visualize that tremendous amount. Our colleague Vladimir Ilyin created a public on-line service to put the results of analysis directly on GoogleEarth images. One can load *.csv file with the coordinates and the value of a parameter, and it will place a point, coloured according to the value, on an image.
Herein one can compare the maps of electrical conductivity and pH, obtained at different years at Vyasevskaya highland.
Besides, herein you can see the following maps, disigned basing on Google Earth images with the points, placed and coloured manually.
Electrical conductivity (November 2005)
Electrical conductivity (June 2006 with photos)
Electrical conductivity (November 2006 with photos)
Electrical conductivity (June 2008)
We acknowledge Roman Zharkoj for providing the house for living during expeditions.